The two plus sides of political discussion in the media should be a welcome course of debate in both liberal and conservative circles. Roger Ailes CEO of Fox News spoke to UNC Journalism students this past week in Chapel Hill. No Holes Barred was the spectacle provided to the students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. First, UNC is not the pinnacle of the conservative thought or movement. Chapel Hill and Carrboro are known as the pinnacle of liberalism including an openly gay mayor in the state of North Carolina. Second, the personal attacks on certain conservatives are from an executive with his personal agenda no matter the costs to Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid journalism.
The inside source about the bias of Fox News against candidates other than Mitt Romney did direct the blame of the policy to Roger Ailes. The backing of Mitt Romney by Roger Ailes did impact coverage on Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. The source did provide praise to Sean Hannity as a genuine conservative to provide unbiased coverage of each candidate. How can Roger Ailes provide any insights to ethics and practices when his personal beliefs in supporting Mitt Romney may have impacted the nomination of Republican Candidate for President?
The two conservative candidates were the bullseye of Roger Ailes in his speech, and the conservatives under Ailes attack are Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin. An inside source familiar
with Fox News and Republican nomination for President states the personal attacks against Gingrich and Palin are to cover a personal bias and agenda. The source states that Roger Ailes set the directive to discount Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and to support Mitt Romney in a positive light on Fox News coverage. The same source does state that Sean Hannity is the most genuine person on and off air. The question was posed about Bill O’Reilly, and the source had no comment.
A secondary source did state that Roger Ailes speech at UNC was an insight to a twisted world under his leadership. That his advice about becoming a journalist to change the world, his recommendation would be to change career paths. Because, Fox News does not allow independent thought or tolerance. The only person at Fox News to change the world is Roger Ailes, and any other thought is not acceptable.The secondary source said that the criticism of newsrooms at CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. by Fox News show a different but twisted news outlet under a spectacle of a leader.
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Filed under: Article Content Future Publication, Uncategorized Tagged: Fox news, Fox News Channel, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, North Carolina, Rick Santorum, Roger Ailes, Sean Hannity